>> Friday, March 4, 2011 <<

Holidays are appraoching again! Just as i was pondering about how good the times it had been during last year's end holidays, the term is about to end.. how are you guys? i will be organiseing another class outing, as usual, check the classs group's wall on facebook for more info. Thanks you and have fun!

having fun@;
10:18 PM

>> Friday, February 11, 2011 <<

hi everybody. this is keefe again, i didnt have time to update this blog as facebook is troublesome enough. so i would like to suggest all of you to create a facebook account and i will add you in the group. if you already have an existing account but is not in the group integritians 0809, do sms of call me at my number. if you dont know my num, get it from someone else. this is because facebook can notify you unless you use rss reader your this blog but its not very common. in facebook group, we can make announcements and comment more easily. so i do suggest that we stick to using facebook group. thank you

having fun@;
12:29 AM

>> Sunday, January 2, 2011 <<

Happy New Year everyone! School's Reopening! Cant believe time passes so quickly! We're Sec2s now! Still i think the primary school days weren't that distant, perhaps because of the frequent outings with you people, and that rosyth, and you my classmates gave me good and unforgetable memories. Start a new year well! excel in what you do! We, the decendents of Mrs Siva will be great and affluent people when we grow up! Bye guys! In order for me to achieve greater heights and restore my honour, i have to study like crazy in term one and wont be blogging. I will keep you updated for the upcoming events and outings, but please save my number, both hp and house numbers. if you dont know, ask others. do also message me your new numbers.
Keefe Wayne Teo

having fun@;
1:47 AM

>> Thursday, December 23, 2010 <<

Hi everyone i returned from my trip to europe and will be blogging again. so in europe the people there sucks. they are very very rude and idiotic. Once we went to a perfume shop. the lady there was talking about some perfume stuff and one of our tour mates walked away to view the other stuff. then she shouted at her customer and said that when she is talking she wants others to listen. what the. she is a sales person. isnt there salesmen talking in public while everyones not listening? Furthermore there are still quite a great lot of people listening to what she is saying. so we visit cathedrals after cathedrals. and they were effing beautiful! omg.. esp vatican city wow! i bought a miniature of vatican city. i will post nice pictures of it. but i think we wernt given much time there. just 2 hours plus. we also went to the leaning tower of pisa. i dunno what to say but nothing much.. not that nice or shocking.we also went to see venician glass. wow thier prices are crazy! nvm just do some window shopping. so the rest of the time i spent there walking around and at night i nearly walked into a cancal i thought i was just another str then we went to venice. wah my sec 1 eng teacher MR LAWRENCE TAN said that it would be nice to go there at least once in your life. The best part about venice is the river taxi. but some parts or the city are quite smelly. then the second best part is the dunno what bid. there were lots of them! wow i enjoy chasing them with my friends and cousin. once i threw my windbreaker at the whole flock of them and they flew away all at once. wow the sight was spectacular! once i nearly walked in to a canal think that it was just another streeet. stupid they never put any parapet. if i fall down is thier fault! nearly become 落汤鸡! after vatican we wen to milan this part can someone tell me what we did there? wait the others i continue in another post later

having fun@;
9:19 PM

>> Sunday, December 5, 2010 <<

Annyeong this is keefe. if youhave seen the blog please send me a facebook or handphone message so that i know that i am not talking to the wall. by the way i didnt blog because i was in camp for 4 days and i would be going overseas soon so i wont be blogging.. may god bless you!

having fun@;
12:56 AM

>> Wednesday, November 24, 2010 <<

Oh my god! today the primary sixes are recieving thier psle results!!! Isnt it nostalgic to us? my goodness i have two cousins recieving thier results today! I am exceptionally worried for one of them( the playful one that plays maple and shares account with me). Hm.. still remember the dreadful day that changed my life and character. Anyways, i would wish my cousins good luck at this point of time!! may god blass you!

having fun@;
8:33 PM

>> Sunday, November 21, 2010 <<

Yesterday i went to my childcare centre concert.. wow these cute little people dance oh, gee and sorry sorry.. i was cheering like crazy because of snsd(dunno if that will spoil my dad's image). I also danced a little and shouted "SO NYUH SHI DAE!" Luckily the music was loud enough and covered my voice. They copied some dance moves like in OH! during the bridge they start to raise their hand and pose and spreaded out. In GEE, the nonononono part, they did the hand movement thing from left to right. In sorry sorry, they did the rubbing hands part and raising legs part during the chorus. I can still remember the times when I was there dancing. Hm... prefered those days to the days now... How sweet childhood life was. I posted this on facebook too. this post is to the benefit of those who do not have any facebooks. Have a great time, and comment!

having fun@;
12:04 AM

We're a FAMILY!
We're ROWDY!
We're CRAZY!
We're NOISY!
We're WILD!
We're COOL!
We're FUN!

We're Anything SWEET&NICE!


MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Our Teachers

Mrs Siva[Form Teacher,English,Science,PE,Health Ed] Lin Lao Shi[Chinese/Higher Chinese] Mrs Lem-Koh[Maths,Music] Mr Jaya[Art] Mr Lin[Social Studies]

[pls tag and tell th date n month of ur birthday cause i only know some!=>]

January babies:

February babies:

March babies:

April babies:

May babies:

June babies:

July babies:

August babies:

September babies:

October babies:

November babies:

December babies:



|May 2009|
|June 2009|
|July 2009|
|October 2009|
|January 2010|
|July 2010|
|November 2010|
|December 2010|
|January 2011|
|February 2011|
|March 2011|

Image: photobucket
Image: Self Drawn by *apple
Programmer: paint
Designer: *apple
BaseCoder: a blogskinner